Issue 96
Cover Story
Luxmania! The new 900 series separates.
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Old School:
Michael “Muppet” Laurance continues our love affair
with vintage Pioneer gear, this time one of their disc players
Jeff Dorgay spins a lot of CDs with the new Rega Apollo
Journeyman Audiophile:
The MoFi StudioDeck+U Turntable and cartridge
The Audiophile Apartment:
The Audiovector SR1 Avantgarde Arrete Speakers
By Jeff Dorgay
Shanon Says:
The Gold Note PSU10 Power Supply upgrade
By Shanon Swetlishnoff
Mine: It Should Be Yours
Cryo treated beer
Carbon Fiber wheels
Large floatation devices
Smurf PEZ
and more….
Playlists: We share our readers choices from around the world
Future Tense
Totem Tribe Speakers
Bryston BP-2 Phono/PS-3 Power Supply
Nagra Tube DAC
and more…
Cover Feature: Luxmania!
Jeff Dorgay takes a long look at Luxman’s finest amplification