TONE visits Indy Audio…
July 13, 2009
Staff writer Todd Sageser took a trip to Indianapolis in early June to visit Indy Audio Labs for a few days.
Indy Principal Rick Santiago introduced Todd to his partner Ted Moore and the guys spent a good deal of time listening to many of the classic Aragon and Acurus products, including a 2 channel system with the Aragon 28K pre-amp driving 8008ST and 3002 amps. Source material included a variety of CDs and downloads from HDtracks, streamed through a Roku M1000 Soundbridge. Todd was impressed with the openness and sheer dynamic capability of the Aragon product with a variety of speakers.
In a 2.1 studio control room system, the Aragon SoundStage Pre-Amp/Processpr drove a 8008×5 amp for the studio monitors and an Aragon Palladium monoblock easily handled a pair of Shure subwoofers.
Finally, in a home theater system, the new Aragon Stage One Pre/Amp processor fed an Acurus 125×5 5-channel Home Theater Amp. Even with some modest Klipsch speakers, the image and sound quality blew away anything from the home theater receivers that were sitting on the shelf for comparison.

Ted and Rick in the control room with new Aragon processor.
What’s up next? Expect to see Aragon and Acurus return to separate branding. Also, there are some great new remote-control capabilities in development, where Rick and Ted will be getting to use their specialized engineering skills.
Todd plans to make regular visits to hear what develops and Indy Audio Labs will be sending Todd some beta product to listen to. The guys have promised that Tone will be the first to get their new products for review!